If you’re seeing the title of this blog and thinking to yourself, “don’t you just, like… shove it in the pocket?” Then welcome! This blog is for you – and the answer is no.

Pocket squares are probably one of the most underrated accessories that make up a suited outfit or look. We wear them to tie a look together, to compliment the rest of the outfit and sometimes to just add a bit of flair and style.

Much like tying a tie, there are multiple different ways to fold a pocket square (properly) that is acceptable for then going into your jacket pocket. Some are a bit fancier and more strategic than others, while some are appropriate for more casual settings. Either way, it’s a question we at BLACKTIE get a lot, it’s a good (and impressive) skill to have and it’s always good to learn new things, right?

Below we have selected a few of the most popular ways to fold a pocket square. They range from casual to formal, which in turn means on a skill level from easy to difficult. But, don’t worry, we broke it down step-by-step for you so that by the end of this blog you’ll be a pocket square folding pro (another thing to put on that resume)! 

The “Presidential” Fold (Business Casual & Formal)

Step 1: Make sure pocket square is on a flat and clean surface facing down.

Step 2: Fold it in half going right to left.

Step 3: Fold in half (again) this time going from left to right and not completely lined-up on top of one another (leaving some fabric on the right side sticking out).

Step 4: Fold in half going from top to bottom.

Step 5: Fold the bottom up this time and fold it into the front and place in your pocket.

*Adjustments will be made depending on the depth of your pocket, but you should see ¼ of an inch of fabric sticking out of the pocket.

The “Puff” Fold (Casual)

Step 1: Lay the pocket square of a flat surface facing upward.

Step 2: Taking your hands, pinch the fabric in the center of the pocket square and lift up off the surface.

Step 3: Taking the opposite hand (that the pocket square is not in) run the pocket square through your thumb and index finger, stopping half way down and holding it in place.

Step 4: Fold the bottom of the fabric up and then behind the front. Then gently place in jacket pocket and make necessary adjustments.


The “One-Point” Fold (Casual & Business Casual)
Step 1: Lay the pocket square on a flat surface facing down in a diamond view.

Step 2: Fold the fabric in half starting from the left, bottom corners and bring it up to the to the right, top corners.

Step 3: Fold in half (again), but this time from the right, bottom corners and bring it up to the left, top corners.

Step 4: Fold the top, right corner into the center of the pocket square and then do the same with the top, left.

Step 5: Fold the bottom of the pocket square up into the center and behind the front. Gently place in pocket and make necessary adjustments.

The “Two-Point” Fold (Casual & Business Casual)

Step 1: Lay the pocket square on a flat surface facing down in a diamond view.

Step 2: Fold the bottom corner up to meet the top, but do not line them up directly (you should see both corners beside one-another)

Step 3: Now, fold the right corner over the left passing the center of the point to your desire (how far you fold decides the width of the fold)

Step 4: Fold the left corner over the right corner. Whatever fabric is left from this, fold behind the rest.

Step 5: Fold the bottom up and place behind the front. Then gently place in jacket pocket and make necessary adjustments.

Congratulations! You now know four different ways to successfully fold a pocket square. Use these to your advantage and show your friends.

Amanda Palm